Gina will be teaching this fall a four session discussion on The Magical, Mythical, Transformative Work of Angela Carter and Joy Williams.

Location: Multnomah Friends Meeting House, 4312 SE Stark Street, Portland 97215

Date: Four Saturday mornings, September 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2019

Time: 10 am - 1 pm

Website:  http://soapstone.org/

Class Description:

Intoxicating.  Lyrical and subversive.  Defiantly un-buttoned. Angela Carter and Joy Williams’ work has been accused of this and so much more as their rule-bending stories exquisitely re-write traditional roles ascribed to women, men and other beasts.  Carter and Williams borrow old tales and myths such as Beauty and the Beast, Red Riding Hood and changeling stories.  Then they knock out the prescriptive assumptions about how stories can be told and more to the point, how stories featuring women can be told.   What happens when innovators like Carter and Williams rip the seams out of those old flaxen garments and re-spin them?  Pure gold! What drew me to these writers was their insistence upon re-imagining old scripts that seemed to hem in and chafe female characters who rarely, if ever, have a voice, let alone free will.  In this four-week study, we’ll look at the borrowed narrative templates these writers used and track the narrative devices that sparked the various story and character metamorphosis.  We’ll think about how Carter and Williams challenge and re-work traditional stereotypes as well as the meaning and relevancy of storytelling as an agent of change.  

 Texts:  We’ll look at Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber, a tour de force of  baroque language, byzantine detail, and strong, active female protagonists.   Our second text is Joy Williams’ The Changeling a work of astonishing power and lyricism.


Gina has the honor of speaking at Westmont College in early September.

Location: Westmount College, 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, CA 9301

Date: Thursday and Friday, September 12 and 13, 2019


Are you Between 2 Worlds?

 College bound? Captivated by creative writing? Curious about a career in writing?

 It's not easy being in high school. As high school students, you are standing on the edge of one world and about to leap into another, unknown world. Even though you may have had the benefit of top-notch in-class instruction, you may still be feeling a fair amount of concern. This day-long conference will feature the expertise of nationally and internationally known instructors, writers, and maybe an artist or two. Including some from Salem and Keizer!

 "Between 2 Worlds" is a one-day critical, creative and relevant high school writing conference designed to answer many of the questions students at this juncture may have -

  • How will college level instruction be like or different from what you're used to?

  • What are the expectations of college writing professors, for example?

  • What opportunities will be available for you to explore creative writing?

  • What skills do you have now that could be sharpened and honed to help you in your future?

Come join experts in the field and learn how your aspirations can unfold in your academic and professional life beyond high school.

WHEN: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 @ 8:00 am---1:30 pm (registration opens at 8 am, conference begins promptly at 8:30 am).

WHERE: Broadway Commons, Salem Oregon (1300 Broadway St NE, Salem 97301)

WHO: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who plan on continuing their education after High School

COST: FREE – we anticipate generous sponsors again this year, which will make this affordable for all students.   If you’d like to be part of this great conference via a sponsorship please contact Gina at gina@ginaochsner.com

We are grateful for our 2018 sponsors: Corban University, Withnell Dodge/Hyundai, Dark Horse Literary Inc./Underdog Press and Mountain West Investments

TRANSPORTATION:  All students enrolled in the Salem Keizer School District have access to transportation via their district at no cost to the student.  All other schools, districts and participants will need to make arrangements for transportation to and from the conference.

WORKSHOPS: Students will have the opportunity to hone their creative and critical writing skills across a wide spectrum of genres (fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction/memoir, college composition writing, screenwriting) in a supportive and nutritive environment. They will also have an opportunity to share their work during an open mic session and receive one-on-one feedback during mentor meetings with nationally and internationally recognized writers.

REGISTRATION WILL OPEN IN LATE AUGUST 2019: Questions please email Raquel at mooregreenrc@gmail.com